note: the granite sink, warmth of the wood and the chicken wire.
What do you think of the exposed shelves and the baskets?
I hope you enjoy some of these kitchen images. I have had them in an inspiration file for some time now. I'm sorry that I did not make a note of who did the design work or the photography. If you know, please leave me a message. I'd like to give them credit.
note: the contrasting cabinet finishes and the beamed ceiling
note: beamed ceiling and chandelier, also note the fountain in the background.
This is one of my all time favorites. It was designed by Bunny Williams.
note: wide planked floors
note: the hood and the sunlight
note: the very light flooring, high contrast, firewood and brick
What does your dream kitchen contain--
other than Paula Deen, Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson or Anthony Bourdain?
and for LegallyBlondeMel...