Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do Tell

I'm listening.
Do you use Twitter?
If so, do you Twit primarily from your cell phone or your computer?
Leave me a comment with your Twitter name if you do!


  1. I use Twitter...and I tweet from my computer (I try hard not to be a Twit!) I can be found on Twitter at MissBelle60.

  2. I'm afraid I don't like being that "plugged in". So no, I'm not twittering, or tweeting.

  3. yes, clearly, I twitter. (under 'tartanscot'), and have my twitter updates linked to my facebook page . . . so I only have to post things once and they show up on both sites.

  4. I love birds, but I do not twitter...am I missing out?

  5. Many of my friends are with facebook and now some are twittering. I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something as well! What are the benefits?


  6. I do, primarily from my iPhone, and I would absolutely love to be-Twitter-friend you! My handle is @ipickpretty.

  7. Yes, I do. From my computer though so I am bad to forget that I twitter!! I want my next phone to be an iPHone or Blackberry so I can twitter and read blogs, emails, etc. from it. That is clearly what I need to do so that I am 100% addicted to blogger, twitter, and email - yikes ;-) xoxo

  8. I started twittering a few months ago. It takes awhile to get the hang of it. At least for me it did. I am on Facebook too, but don't keep up on it very well. There is only so much time in the day!!

  9. is the the most clever image or what ??

    thank you for your sweet comments

  10. I'm very love/hate with Twitter...it annoys me I have to 'check' something else, but now that I'm doing it I feel like I can't stop. I try to tweet about work/our projects but sometimes it's just boring crap like "doing laundry sucks"

  11. I am tweeting doll. Onefabulousmom!!!

  12. You are great just as you are. No need to twit.

  13. Since 2007. I'm an early adopter of everything except interior design, she said, looking around at her granny lamps with pagoda shades.

    I'm @poppybuxom

    And I tweet primarily from my laptop. but when I'm on the road, I use the Tweetie app on my cell phone, which is *fantastic.*
