Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall is Ideal

Fall is ideal for gardening.
I can't get out of the garden and onto the computer.
I want to get the plants established before our fall turns into winter.
Are any of you designing, planting and dreaming?


  1. for the most part, i leave the outdoors up to my significant other. i feel like i'm always designing and planning for the inside though!

  2. I am too busy inside to work outside right now. I know your yard will be beautiful. Love & blessings from NC!

  3. I'll be the one dreaming... sadly I don't have a terribly green thumb. Sad since I dream of one day having a lush and lavish garden!

  4. I'm drowning under leaves just now, I've broken two rakes already and I have about three weeks worth of gathering still to do! I am sort of planning for next year in that i want to add a jumble of flowering plants into the front garden that will bloom from spring till autumn, I have no colour there at all and want to lift my spirits.

  5. i almost sent you a love note ,....
    i wanted to know when I could expect you to resurface.

    thank goodness you are back.
    missed you xx

  6. Yes, I would love to make my dreams into a plan but I have no idea where to start - it feel so overwelming!

  7. I hope you are enjoying your time outdoors. I am not a big gardener. I love beautiful gardens but in Houston it is usually too HOT to garden. Maybe someday.... I would love to see yours though!

  8. I love to be outdoors this time of year. We are moving few plants and getting them ready for their long winters nap. Our last project is to enlarge our vegetable garden slightly ~ I'm working on my design for next spring.

    Enjoy the wonderful fall weather ~

  9. I've never been a 'fall' person, but the weather has been perfect for the past two months - my hydrangeas, roses, ferns look better than ever. Oh, how I dread the first frost, but it's been a beautiful fall.

  10. Well there you are...I've missed you but now I see you've been. Same for me. I'm pushing it a bit by cleaning up early in the garden but gosh I just hate doing it in the cold.
    Good thing for pretty trees because everything on the ground is done!
    Enjoy yourself during these pretty days. We will all come in sooner or later won't we...
    xo Lisa

  11. obviously....
    you are still gardening!!!


  12. I swear I need to get into gardening. I just never have time!

  13. I'm worrying about my new fences for my garden...

    I still have to buy some bamboos to add some zen feel to my garden:)

  14. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  15. I just found your blog from looking for a good green paint! I am thinking about redoing our back yard area but my time has been consumed (and money spent on) new paint for our living room and dining room! Ah! Need to plan for the spring.

  16. ooooooh how you have been missed... and i am resurfacing too... should we finally go ahead with our plan????? xxxxx
