Monday, May 18, 2009

Where's the Kitchen?

photo: Lisa Adams/design: Ken Pursley

I really like this--a disappearing kitchen! 
Have you located all of the appliances?

Could you live with a kitchen like this?  


  1. It's very beautiful but I kinda LIKE the stuff that makes a kitchen a kitchen. Know what I mean?

  2. yes, I could live with a kitchen like this...if I had to! It's lovely. With it looking the way it does, I would have to get use to it looking so much like a sitting room.

    This is a beautifully decorated area.

    Blessings to you,
    from HomeHaven nestled in the Kansas Flinthills

  3. I'd be afraid I'd spill something on the floor. I like a kitchen to look like a kitchen :-)

  4. Beautiful, but spooky! Far too formal for my kitchen tastes. Plus, I'm such a cooking amateur that I'd probably forget where the fridge was if it weren't made abundantly obvious.

  5. If space limitations were an issue, a kitchen that doubles as a sitting room would work for me. However, if space was not an issue, I prefer a kitchen with a gathering room or keeping room in the area.

  6. Hmmm, I think I could probably live with this and like it.

  7. I would probably spill and stain the carpet. I guess I could live with it, but I really like the traditional qualities of kitchens.

  8. Everything except the flooring!! I need hardwood or tile, etc. This is perfect for a small space!!

  9. Woah - that's a kitchen? I can deal with concealed appliances, but I think the carpet would have to go! Spagetti sauce, anyone? :)

  10. Yup, I think I could. Would certainly encourage keeping it clean. Gorgeous.

  11. Oh, I couldn't do it! I have to have a old-fashioned, workable kitchen. Methinks these homeowners don't cook that much.

  12. no, i can't find the fridge, etc.
    and yes, i could live with this kitch.


  13. I could totally have a nonkitchen, kitchen! I love it. Thanks for sharing.
