Straight from the UK, for all of my Anglophile buddies-
Go to myDeco.com and take the design profile quiz. It's fun and interesting. Leave me comments describing your style. I'm a "Home Queen" I wonder if many of you are a match! Here are my results:
You have an almost theatrical approach to interior design, dressing up rooms just as you yourself would for a glamorous night out (or in). The look is opulent and luxurious, but can be equally sexy and sophisticated - just like you!
Living Room
You are drawn to all things that combine beauty with adventure. This is a high-octane, unabashed, sensual look that encompasses everything that's luxurious, voluptuous and curvaceous. Think rich fabrics, textured materials and glossy surfaces. While glamour makes a big, bold statement, it also smacks of total comfort and fun. Choosing accessories with a classical influence will give the room a sophistication it might otherwise have lacked, and will confirm your style credentials. Pastel pinks and yellows give the room a fresh, feminine feel, while shapely and harmonious prints add a polished sense of style. After pottering about in the garden, your living room's somewhere to put up your feet and take a well-earned rest.
Your bedroom has that classic look that never goes out of style. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. Clean, fresh air can truly aid sleep, but so, too, does a well-made bed and the best mattress you can afford. Touch is an important issue in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. Elegance and relative simplicity are keynotes in your bedroom, using earthy, rustic colours and textures to create a sense of harmony with the natural world.
Dining Room
You're a paragon of style, no-holds-barred entertainer. At home, you have a classic dining area that's perfect for formal or glamorous dinner parties. It's a tried and trusted look that will never go out of style. Carver chairs take up space and so are best limited to top and tail of the dining table, and they need not even match the dining chairs down either side. Though expensive, a bone china dinner service really does set off the table to magnificently and can detract from other compromises if budget is an issue.
Home Office
Who says paying the bills can't be glamorous? Working from home is an increasingly popular solution to the challenge of bringing up a young family and making ends meet. A dedicated home office - even if it's just the corner of a room - will help keep you focused and separate work from hectic family life. Even if your desk is quite utilitarian, you can use colour and texture to add a touch of glamour and pizzazz.
Glorious and gorgeous, your home affirms your love of life.