(Tria Giovan)
I'm thinking of having the front door painted. I've always had a stained door so this is a big change for me--and I don't do change very well. My set up would be similar to the door shown above. I'll have a glass door with a solid door behind it. I've thought it would be fun to have a punch of color in the foyer. Blue, green, red...humm, I just don't know.
For fun, here are a few pictures of lovely "first impressions". Enjoy.

(photo: Pieter Estersohn; designer: John Bobbitt)
No color needed here--just oxygen. I've gasped it all away!

(Deborah Whitlaw Llewellyn)
What an interesting mix. Traditional, contemporary, coastal, early American. Anything goes. Stained door.

(photo: Jean-Francois Jaussaud; stylist: Emile Yannoukou)
Any one want to move in with me? Looks like there will be plenty of room! (oxygen needed here too!) Stained door--ugh, I'm so predictable!

(photo: Mark Lohman; stylist: Cynthia Marks)
Stained door, again! Casual, warm and welcoming. This is a "take your shoes off" kind of house.

Yes, I know, I'm GSG and this is a green door, but isn't it great! I'm leaning this way. That is until I see something like this:

Decisions, decisions.
Alright blog friends, what kind of door do you see for GSG's future? I'm all ears.