Dearest blog friends, can you help me?
I really like these two images and haven't a clue
as to whom the designers or photographers were?
Please help me identify them so that I may give them proper credit for their amazing work.
If I recall correctly the top image was on the cover of Southern Accents several years ago.
Anyone have a back issue that can look this up?
(Things that Inspire, I'm counting on you for this one--there are intaglios!)
Now, the twin beds with the bookcase--how great is that! I know several of you have featured this on your blogs, but for the life of me, I can't remember who did this work.
(Oh, and for those interested: The brunch was wonderful. We had sausage and egg quiche, cream cheese danish, pineapple, honeydew, strawberries, grapes, shrimp and grits, pumpkin bread, assorted juices including tomato, orange, and pomegranate--and of course hot, hot coffee! I'm so sorry I didn't take one picture. I did good just to have the table set. Wish you could have seen it. I used china from the late 1800's, etched crystal, old sterling flatware and white linen. I broke a coffee cup. Boo. Oh, well. I say USE IT! What good is it sitting in a cabinet or drawer?)
Thank you, Rindy, for helping me to identify the first photograph.
"The designer is Jackye Lanham. It was the cover of the Jan/Feb 2006 issue. I just happened to have my copy out! Rindy"
Now, what about the twin bedroom shot?