I've been tagged by
The Rauths I'm supposed to tell you 6 random things about me.
Here are the "rules."
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these six rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
Well, let's see:

1. I can write backwards with my non-dominate hand. Freaky, I know. I must be borderline ambidextrous or something.

2. I canceled my cable. I am now the biggest fan of
APPLE TV. If you haven't looked into it, DO. You'll save money, have no commercials, and watch only what you want to watch. For example, I saw the first episode of the new season of
MAD MEN--and now have it on my Apple TV--and can watch Don and Betty Draper again and again!

3. I have a very old chocolate labrador. Seeing my dog decline in his old age is much more depressing than I ever thought it would be. Dogs are such a constant in our lives. In this case 12 years and counting.

4. I'm addicted to coffee in the morning and sweet tea in the afternoon. I just can't get through my day with out them--and believe it or not, the tea is always decaffeinated. I'm a purist too--no artificial sweeteners will do. I need sugar!

5. Unlike
Mrs. Rauth, I hate to do the dishes. I can't stand the thoughts of touching dirty dishes. I ALWAYS wear gloves when I HAVE to do them. I sometimes go to the extreme of not cooking, just to avoid the clean up. Plus, who wants to mess up that beautiful, clean kitchen

6. I'm a bit obsessive about china (yet, I still don't like to wash it!). I have numerous sets that I change out seasonally or with the theme of a party, etc. I've gone a bit over the top and really need to edit.
Now for the six that I am going to tag:
Troy at Good Home, it's like we are old friends--and he's an amazing Southern writer!
Copy Cat Chic, oh, so fun. I wish I could shop and compare like this one can.