Remember the teaser from yesterday's post? Well here it is: The Cloister at Sea Island, GA. Originally built in the 1920's, the resort has undergone a complete transformation.

Mr. Green was very generous and gave me a get-a-way to the Golden Isles for my birthday. He will be taking me for some much needed rest and relaxation quite soon. Who wouldn't want to lounge around in the Cloister Solarium? Just look at all of the color. I'm thinking spring!

This is the Palm Corridor. Notice the painting. It looks like it was inspired by Martin Johnson Heade. Aren't the wall sconces beautiful? The orchids!

Let's hope that the weather will be pleasant enough to take advantage of all of the beautiful outdoor spaces.

It has been years since we have been. I wonder what things have changed and what has stayed the same--besides the obvious building changes. Any of you who have been lately, let me know what you consider to be the "must do's". PaperCourt, News Readin' Wife and Hospy, I know you have stories to tell. I am looking forward to hearing about all of your experiences!
(and THANK YOU to Mr. Green!)