(Suzanne Rheinstein)

(Thomas Jayne)
Today is the first official day of spring. Are you celebrating in your home with wonderful color?
As I'm sure you know, paint is the least expensive way to completely change the feeling of a room. Imagine the foyer above in a decadent oxblood?

(Residential Interiors)

(Charlotte Moss)
How do you plan to bring in the spring?
Happy Spring to everyone!
I hope you have a colorful weekend!
Speaking of positive spring color, our sweet friend Hopsy...

A very big thank you goes out to Hopsy of Monograms and Manicures. She hosted a great give-a-way several months ago featuring Toss Designs. I was the lucky winner of the Balboa Weekender. It is so bright and colorful. I am quite impressed with just how spacious it is too. She is such a kind person. I do hope that if you aren't familiar with her blog, you'll go over and say, "hello".