Any of you who have read Pearls & Grace know what an absolute treat and honor it would be to hear her speak LIVE. Well, here's your chance!
Let me just tell you, she is a charming, witty, honest soul--not to mention beautiful! She is so honest and giving of heart you can't help but be inspired--and grow to become a better person. If you aren't familiar with her work, or well, should I say, her life--just click here. You will be moved.
If you can get to the NCY area on Sunday, March 1st--you just can't miss The Pearl Event!

The Pearl Event
A testimony of tragedy, trust and triumph
Pearls and Grace
to appear
Sunday, March 1, 2009
in the New York City/Tri-state area
Come find out why you are His pearl…
For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. –Romans 8:18
Free Admission
Email Pearlsandgrace@yahoo.com for seating reservations