What a quaint flagstone patio-the herbs, the maple and ivy.

(This interior must have been inspired by the main lobby at The Cloister on Sea Island.
The first two pictures are from the same house.)
Haven't you wanted to step inside-or in the back yard- of some of the houses you see for sale?
Well, thanks to the internet, we can. Let's go.

Some of the interiors look quite familiar.
Doesn't this look like something we've seen in a magazine?
I think I've seen that chair before as well as the chandelier.
(The picture above and the picture below are of the same house.)

Not a bad lake side view.
Calm and soothing bedroom.
Doesn't this remind you of Phoebe Howard?
(The next three pictures are all in the same house.)

Where's my lemonade? Look at that sky, and the green!
Could the relator have taken a better photograph?

Beautiful wine cellar with a slate floor.
I wonder how many bottles this holds?

(FYI: all homes shown above are listed for two million plus.)
Are you in the market for another house?
What are you looking for?