The chapel offers a Bible study on Thursday and a worship service is every Sunday morning.

(This picture is actually in the Solarium--but just a stones throw from the Chapel.)
The lighting at the entire resort was amazingly good. (I'm planning an entire post on just the lighting!) The fixtures in the chapel were some of my favorites. Aren't they perfect for the spot?

(This picture is actually in the Solarium--but just a stones throw from the Chapel.)
Changing gears just a bit here--the marsh, as seen from the windows of 100 Hudson--one of the three Cloister restaurants. This is what I saw every morning over breakfast. It was delicious. (Yes, Mrs. News Reading, I had the French toast and Mr. Green was a huge fan of the apple chicken sausage. We were there eating on the morning of the golf tournament. I could have been there! Too bad we bloggers don't have a secret code or something! I'd love to have met you.) 

"Start your day with breakfast in the inviting atmosphere of 100 Hudson with its light-filled morning aura and panoramic views of the Black Banks River."
The much adored Spanish Lounge. This room was carefully dismantled from the original 1928 Mizner building and reassembled as you see below the post card. 

Bridge anyone?
One of my favorite rooms was definitely the Solarium. We made it a habit to have tea there each afternoon. It is an amazingly beautiful room--fresh, light and airy.

"Start your day with breakfast in the inviting atmosphere of 100 Hudson with its light-filled morning aura and panoramic views of the Black Banks River."

Even the birds have it good. Attention to detail was not spared, even for the birds. Notice the curtain rings. The cages were hand painted as well. Wish I had taken a picture of the mural for you. Now, you'll just have to go see it for yourself!

Still want more? Brilliant Asylum has done a lovely post on The Cloister. I hope to have more pretties for you tomorrow!
The two birdcages flanked this charming fountain. Sun, color, nature, oh, I could go on and on.
Now, I'd like to leave you with a question. What kind of bench is this? The back is wooden and on a hinge. It will swing from one side to the other, allowing one to sit in either direction. Was it used for spectators at a sporting event? Maybe you talented readers--uh, humm...Tartanscot or Cote de Texas, might know the answer. Any help would be appreciated.
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